
child custody

The Basics of Child Custody Laws in Colorado

Unlike other states, Colorado’s child custody laws are much more balanced, treating the child not as another asset in a divorce, but as a living, breathing, human being that needs care and comfort during these trying times. Yes, the law is harsh, but Colorado’s courts are well aware that, in the context of child custody, […]

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poor eyesight

Books and Eyesight: How Bookworms Can Cope with Poor Vision

Avid readers know there’s nothing like the feeling of a print book in your hands. Something is thrilling about turning page after page and getting a whiff of that scent only new books have. It’s a simple joy in life—one that poor vision can steal from you at any moment. Straining to read the small

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divorce attorney

Not Part of the Prenup: 4 Weird Divorce Settlements

Divorce is one of the most stressful things you could go through. Aside from the emotional toll such an event takes, divorce often comes with legal disputes. Divorcing couples routinely argue about who gets custody of the kids, how much alimony a party should cough up, and how to split up financial assets. But sometimes

Not Part of the Prenup: 4 Weird Divorce Settlements Read More »


Why It’s Important to Teach Values Education in Schools

Values and good manners are some of the basic things that children learn from their school. Without thinking about it, they are being taught by their teachers through sharing with others, following orderly routines, obeying authority, and many more. During their young age, children were taught that these behaviors come naturally, and they don’t have

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nutrition research

The Science Behind Nutrition: Why is It So Confusing?

Nutrition is essential to understanding human health, so it’s important that we keep studying and uncovering its science. This is why educational programs, such as Nutrition, Dietetics, Nutritional Therapy and even holistic Naturopathic Nutrition Diploma Courses are offered at schools. However, nutrition science is a nuanced field, making it difficult for researchers to make conclusions. Case

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business owner

Laws Small Business Owners in London Should Know

Small businesses make up a large portion of the private sector in the United Kingdom, and SMEs particularly hold a vast majority of the business population in London. The eclectic scene and wide market make it attractive for those thinking of setting up shop here, and there are a few business laws that can be helpful to know when

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kid practising piano

Mistakes You Should Not Make When Playing the Piano

Did you begin your piano lessons and are finding the new journey both exciting and challenging? You are not alone; learning how to play the piano can evoke different feelings in individuals. Nevertheless, learning how to play the piano is easier when you take piano lessons in Boulder than learning on your own. Many of

Mistakes You Should Not Make When Playing the Piano Read More »

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