Going Green: Making Your Retail Store Eco-Friendly

sustainable business

Going green is more than just a fad. With the increasing concern over human impact on the environment, consumers are all the more eager to reduce their carbon footprint. Some recent studies reveal that consumers find sustainability appealing, with results showing that 75 percent of consumers think that sustainability is an important issue, with 57 percent saying climate change affected their buying habits.

If you are a retail business, going green would not only attract more customers to your store, but you would also help the environment. Retailers need to understand their carbon footprint in order to identify what areas of their business they need to change to reduce their impact. Thus, here are nine ways for your retail business to go green.

9 Ways for Going Green in Your Retail Store

Switch to Energy-Efficient Lights

The easiest way for your retail store to embrace a greener way is by switching to light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) from the typical incandescent bulbs. This simple way could help you save a lot on utilities, and you could use the extra money on starting a new project.

Use Green Cleaning Products

We often overlook it, but the cleaning products that we use are both harmful to our bodies and the environment. Next time you purchase your store’s cleaning supplies, opt for organic ones. Or, you could also make your own. Combine water, distilled vinegar, and lemon for a homemade cleaning spray.

Buy Secondhand Furniture

furniture store

Another great way to save money and recycle is to use secondhand fixtures, instead of spending a lot on new shelving made of metal or plastic-based products. There are plenty of beautiful vintage pieces you can find on local thrift shops and garage sales that you could place in your store.

Plant Trees

If your retail store has an outdoor space, consider hiring a commercial landscaping contractor and have some small trees planted. But if you do not have an outdoor area, you could opt to place some indoor plants. Trees and plants help a lot in improving air quality, and they are the only source of oxygen.

Encourage Customers to Bring Their Own Bags

Ditch your plastic bags and encourage your customers instead to bring their own bags if they want to make a purchase. You could also offer them reusable bags with your brand’s logo on them. Not only is it sustainable, but it helps drive brand awareness.

Opt for Paperless Receipts

Going paperless with your receipts is another savvy way of saving the environment. Moreover, this helps release your customer’s wallet from being overfilled with papers. Plenty of retailers now offer this option. Ask for your customer to fill in their email address on a tablet, and their receipt will be automatically sent to them.

Buy Energy-Efficient Equipment

Not only are energy-efficient equipment a must at homes, but also in your retail establishment. If you need to purchase a new computer, printer, or other equipment, consider buying those with an Energy Star rating. Although they could be considerably pricier than typical equipment, the return is all worth it.

Shut off Equipment at Night

A lot of businesses often leave their computer, cash register, and other office devices running even at night. These dormant equipment are only sucking electricity, causing your utility to skyrocket. Consider switching everything off at night. Apart from saving on electricity, you prolong your devices’ lives.

Stock Green Items

Going green in retail is not only limited to reducing your impact on the planet alone, but it is, in fact, a holistic approach. Check the components of the merchandise you are selling for any environmentally harmful products. Opt to sell goods that are ethically sourced.

Lastly, when going green on your retail business, do not forget to communicate your advocacy to customers. As they say, communication is the key to everything. Spread the word through social media, email marketing, and even word-of-mouth.

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