Why It’s Important to Teach Values Education in Schools


Values and good manners are some of the basic things that children learn from their school. Without thinking about it, they are being taught by their teachers through sharing with others, following orderly routines, obeying authority, and many more.

During their young age, children were taught that these behaviors come naturally, and they don’t have to think critically about it. This is a simple process of inculcating values, and it has been honored by time. Children are following the different patterns used by their parents, teacher, and other religious leaders for years.
The core elements of teaching values to the young generation are habituation, repetition reinforcement, role modeling, and role-playing, and appeals to the heart.

Role-Playing and Appels to the Heart

There is a difference between role modeling and role-playing. When we talk about role modeling, this happens when a child observes your behavior and admires it. This means that you serve as a role model for her. For role-playing, the child acts out or imitates the behavior that she had observed from a specific person.

This is a great way to teach values to children since it has been considered effective for years. The child’s young mind changes for the better when she engages in role-playing of positive behaviors.

The Arts

For some professionals who have spent years teaching values to thousands of children, they have found the importance of singing and poetry recitation in various public schools. For teachers, character education is taught as part of the elementary courses in Gilbert, AZ.

They are advised to sing with their children every day, regardless if they have a great voice or not. Children will never remember the bad voice as long as they enjoy the activity. The teacher’s voice can bring comfort, reassurance, and peace to their mind and heart.

ClassHabituation, Repetition and Reinforcement

This way of teaching values happens when a teacher indoctrinates children to follow reasonable rules such as to stand in the line and to take turns. The value that is trying to inculcate on the mind and heart of the children is being repeated and reinforced in a consistent way so they will keep it at their young age.

Verbal rewards are also vital with this element because children love being appreciated with whatever they do. When a child becomes habituated with the proper behavior due to repetition and praise, she eventually gets committed to that behavior.

Role Modeling

Teachers are significant role models for children. While they spend hours at school with the person who teaches them various values and learnings, they observe every action of their teacher. When they see kindness and decency with their teachers, they admire the person, and this leads to role-playing.

In some unfortunate cases, a teacher who is narrow and authoritarian vindictiveness also influences children, and this may become their role model.

Music is one of the most effective ways to instill values in children’s young minds. No matter what the medium is, whether it’s for good or evil, music appeals to the heart of children.

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