Techniques for Adding Depth on a Flat Website Design

Designing your website

In the past, a few businesses owned a website since most people assumed the Internet was a fad. These days, all profitable companies know that the largest ROI lies in online marketing. Over 90% of clients will scour websites looking for products before coming through your doors to make a purchase or order items online. It is, therefore, important that your website is the first one they will see when they key in their search terms.

It is essential to work with a reputable B2B SEO company when designing your website to ensure that it remains visible above the billions of other sites offering similar services and products. One of the trendy designs for business websites is a flat design. This has no added effects and focuses on typography, simple elements, bright colors, and an overall minimalist look. It allows people to concentrate on your site’s message since there are minimal distractions.

But you need to add depth to your design to generate a lasting and unique appeal. Here are some ways experts create depth on a website’s design:

Shadow Effects

The use of shadows is one of the most natural techniques for generating depth in your design. The darkness, shape, and placement of your shadows can be used to imply different things. Rounded shadows will, for example, create a floating look when they rest below objects. Warped shadows, on the other hand, can be used to lift images off backgrounds. These shadows should, however, be subtle and follow natural lighting patterns to complement the minimalist flat website design.


This element centers on placing images one on top of another so that they look like stacks of printed photos. Layering will generate a sense of depth since site visitors will feel like they are thumbing through photos. In most cases, multiple photographs will be merged to produce two separate parts of an image: a background and a foreground.

Breaking Grids

Overlapping grids and placing elements on top of each other will make some content areas look larger and closer than others, as well as generates depth. Some designers use slight drop shadows to create an emphasis on various design elements. Breaking grids are generally used on different images but can also be used to create an illusion of depth within the same image.


Designing your website from scratch

The creation of unique perspectives can also add some depth to an otherwise flat design. Though not as subtle as other alternatives, perspectives can also be used to highlight different interest areas in your design. This approach takes several forms, but they all center on following horizontal alignments, different sizes, and consistent angles to create depth.

You need not visualize a boring design anytime you hear of flat website design. The above techniques can add much-needed depth to your minimalist design. This way, you will appeal to various senses in your visitors without overshadowing the primary message you want to deliver. Other than capturing clients’ interests, the flat web design eases the crawling and indexing of search engines on your site. Professional website design also guarantees that all the elements of the site will work together to boost your search engine ranking and user experience.

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