Smart Storage to Save Space


Moving can be a messy process with boxes here and there. Maybe you’re moving into a relatively small house, but it’s just enough for what you need. In the aftermath of unboxing your belongings, you realize something: you need extra storage space.

Living in a small space can be challenging storage-wise. You have to evaluate which pieces of furniture you actually need. Although the interior designer in you is beaming with ideas, you have to be strategic about the limited square footage.

A small place isn’t inherently bad. Maybe you just haven’t found the right ways to make it work for you yet. Know that your storage problem is a problem that can be easily remedied. There are ways to integrate interior design and functionality in your small home. All it takes is to make the most of the space that’s given to you.

With a small space, clutter is your number one enemy. It isn’t just an inconvenience in your home, but it affects your health, too. With the number of things you have, it’s either you downsize or come up with a storage solution. If you feel like the latter is the best option for you, here are some space-saving tricks and additions to make your space less cluttered and organized.

Get Some Hooks

Walls are great for decor. Mounting picture frames and decorative pieces aren’t the only things they’re good for.  They can be utilized for functional things too.

You might own some bulky things you have no space for in your bedroom closet, like a suitcase or a camera stand. These are the type of things you don’t really want hanging around your space when you have no need for them at the moment. The closet by the entryway might be your next best place to store them. If you’re hoping to store them there, installing hooks is a great alternative to hanging your coat inside the closet. You can use them to hang bags, hats, and other accessories.

Choose which type of hooks are best for whatever items you want to use them for. You can even go for something with a more decorative look so it can blend with the aesthetic of your living room.

Install Open Shelves

open shelves

Wooden open shelves aren’t just aesthetically pleasing, they are sturdy too. You won’t have to worry about how much weight these slabs of rich wood can take.

You can have these open shelves in your kitchen, home office, or living room. Add a decorative touch by organizing your things using tartan baskets and the like, or leave them as they are (they look put-together either way).

They’re great for storing items without sacrificing any square footage. Installing them isn’t that complicated either. All you need are your tools, a couple of L brackets, and your shelves.

Invest in Furniture for Storage

As a homeowner, you don’t just have to invest in a good type of homeowner’s insurance but in good furniture, too.

With the tiny house movement sweeping across the country, more companies and manufacturers have become innovative in their furniture designs.

Pieces of furniture with storage features aren’t limited to your average bookcase or cabinet with drawers. Some coffee tables, stools, and benches are made to have compartments for storage too, which are great additions to your living room. Other furniture that has room for storage are mattress bases, which can serve as extra closet space.

Helpful Add-Ons

If you need a little more room for your things, add little pockets of storage here and there. What better way can you use the nook and crannies than with more storage space? You could add an under-the-desk wire tray for your home office or a wire basket on your laundry room door. These bits are movable and can be added to almost any room in your home with little to no effort in installing.

It’s simply a matter of making the most of the space and making it work for you.

You might think that it already does, with everything that’s occupying it. But you have to ask yourself just how do you want your space to serve you? How do you want your living space convenient, functional, and comfortable?

With a small space, you have to really evaluate what you need and what you don’t need. What you want to keep and what you’re fine letting go. You have to be intentional and smart about it. That could be one of the reasons why they say moving is a refreshing start.

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