Every business faces the challenge of training new hires while maintaining high levels of efficiency. According to a study by the American Management Association, the cost of training a new employee can range from $1,500 to $5,000. In addition, the time commitment required to train a new employee can often deter small businesses from taking on the task.
There are, however, a few steps to ensure your training process is as efficient as possible. Here are a few tips:
1. Communicate Expectations Early On
Ensure you communicate your expectations to new hires early in the training process. Doing so will help them understand what is expected of them and set them up for success. Furthermore, it will help you avoid any frustrating misunderstandings down the road. You want to ensure that your new hires know what is expected of them regarding their job duties, performance, and conduct.
Of course, you should only set realistic expectations. Don’t set the bar too high, or you will only end up disappointed. New employees can only do so much, and it is essential to remember that they are still learning. If you have any specific goals or deadlines in mind, be sure to communicate those as well.
2. Set Clear Goals and Deadlines
If you want your new hires to be efficient, then you need to set clear goals and deadlines for their training. This will help them stay focused and on track. It will also ensure that they are completing their training on time. Trying to wing it with no concrete plan will only lead to frustration and wasted time.
Some of the things you should consider when setting goals and deadlines include:
– The specific tasks your new hires need to complete
– The timeline for each task
– The desired outcome of each task
Depending on your business, you may also want to consider setting different goals and deadlines for each new hire. This is especially true if you have employees with varying experience levels or expertise. Always remember that one size does not fit all in training.
3. Utilize Technology
In today’s day and age, there is no excuse for not utilizing technology in your training process. Technology can help you save time and money while making your training more efficient. From online tutorials to e-learning platforms, use the resources at your disposal. For one, Software as a Service (SaaS) is a great way to provide new hires with a demonstration of your processes.
SaaS training videos can effectively get new employees up to speed on your product. Not to mention, your employees can easily access them anytime and anywhere. This is especially helpful for employees who are located in different time zones or who have different schedules. Creating a library of demonstration videos can help ensure your new hires have the resources they need to succeed.
4. Delegate Tasks When Possible
While it is essential to be involved in the training process, there is no need for you to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks when possible to other members of your team. This will free up your time to focus on more important matters. Ask your managers and supervisors to take on some responsibility, or consider hiring a professional trainer.
Ensure that whoever you delegate tasks to is up for the challenge and has the time and energy to invest in training your new hires. The last thing you want is for your new hires to be left in the hands of someone who is not fully invested in their success. Trainers and managers passionate about their jobs will help instill that passion in your new hires.
5. Be Prepared for challenges
No matter how well you plan, there will always be challenges when training new hires. Be prepared for setbacks and take them in stride. By doing so, you can keep your business running smoothly despite any bumps in the road. No training process is perfect, but the most successful ones are the ones that can adapt to change.
You can usually anticipate some of the challenges you may face during training. For example, if you are training remote employees, you may need to account for different time zones and schedules. Alternatively, if you are training employees with different levels of experience, you may need to tailor your approach.
Training new hires doesn’t have to be a headache. With these five tips, you can streamline the process and make sure your business stays efficient during this crucial time. By setting clear goals, utilizing technology, and delegating tasks when possible, you can ensure that your new hires are up-to-speed in no time at all. Always remember to be prepared for challenges and be willing to adapt to change. With a little planning, training new hires can be a breeze.