Building Your Brand and Business: 5 Marketing Tips Every Construction Firm Should Know

engineers discussing a project at the construction site

The US is one of the largest markets in construction worldwide, with expenditures amounting to almost $1.3 Trillion. This market and demand are constantly growing, resulting in more and more construction businesses starting up each year. In fact, there are about 73,048 commercial construction businesses as of 2019. Although that’s definitely good news for the market, it also means more competition for existing and new construction businesses which is why it’s important to stand out by investing and focusing on the marketing aspect of the operations. As such, we’ll be taking a look marketing tips and tricks to help you promote your construction firm/company:

It All Starts with a Good Logo

Your construction business’ logo can have a huge impact to your business’ marketing aspect and brand identity. Remember, this logo will be going all over your marketing materials, paperwork, and website so choose a logo that represents your business and the quality of work you’re offering. A poorly-made or designed logo won’t only be forgettable or easy to ignore; its low quality could give potential clients insight on your business’ quality as well. You’ll want to have a professionally designed and well-thought-out logo that won’t only be eye-catching and memorable but should somehow communicate what your business is about and provide a professional aesthetic to it. Speaking of logo, you should also invest as much time and effort in brainstorming a good slogan for your business.

Show Off Your Logo

As mentioned earlier, your logo will be appearing in a lot of your marketing materials. That said, you should add your logo to your equipment and vehicles, as well as your construction staff’s uniforms, flyers, business cards, and websites.

Build a Good Website

Speaking of websites, the foundation for the digital marketing aspect of your business is your website. Your website should be well-designed, ad-free, and contains all the basics such as your brand, contact information, portfolio, services offered, as well as your qualifications and resources. You may also want to consider investing in Search Engine Optimization to make your website more visible and rank higher when potential clients search for construction companies online.

Showcase Your Resources and Merits

Don’t be afraid to show off what you have. It’s important to highlight your state of the art equipment as well as your skilled and well-trained staff in your marketing materials, website, and social media account. Potential clients would want to see that you’re adequately equipped for the job and have sufficient construction staffing to meet their demands and deadlines. You should also feature any certifications and awards you have garnered through the course of your business.

Compile Your Portfolio and Client Feedback

Hands holding a print of a business bi-fold brochure

Two of the significant factors potential clients look for in choosing a construction company to hire are the finished works of the company and previous clients’ feedback. As such, you should feature the construction projects you’ve finished through your website’s portfolio page so that potential clients can browse and see your high-quality work. It’s also a good idea to ask your previous clients if you can quote them and post their positive feedback on your webpage and other marketing mediums.


Construction is indeed a lucrative and competitive industry. So it’s important that you take these marketing tips in mind when promoting your business. Before you know it, you’ll be getting many quotation requests and calls from potential clients, and end up hiring additional workforce through construction staffing agencies just to keep up with the project demands.

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